Due to the low fluorescence characteristics of 1064nm, LATR3000 avoids fluorescence interference and is suitable for detecting a large number of high fluorescence samples, such as dyes, printing inks, petroleum, biological samples, etc. The spectrum of ATR3000-1064 covers 200~260-1, and the spectral resolution is 13 cm-1. The design features of small size, light weight and low power consumption enable ATR3000-1064 to provide laboratory-level Raman testing anywhere. Very suitable for laboratory scientific research. Superior reliability and repeatability (temperature, long time) make the detection results accurate and reliable, and the excellent low stray light conditions make the spectrometer have a wide range of applications, especially suitable for dark samples, colored samples, fluorescent samples, biological samples, bacteria, fuels, Petroleum samples, vegetable oil, pharmaceuticals, explosives and other samples.
Biological science
Pharmaceutical engineering
Forensic analysis
Agriculture and food safety
Environmental science